Participants' Storytelling
Monday 20th April (Rosa)
Arriving to a rural
village just outside Madrid - Zarzalejo The train ride from Madrid to Zarzalejo
promised us arriving in a small village surrounded by astonishing landscape.
The impressive view from the hostel let us overlook the green valley encircled
by mountains and an huge rocky mountain in our back. A surreal feeling grew
inside me, realizing that this would be our home for the next ten days. A home
that is shared by a diverse group of enthusiastic and committed Spanish and
Dutch rural youth and three power women as facilitators also. The first
encounter with fellow group members is always exciting. Enjoying a beer and
pizza together in the sun made everything a lot easier. Continuing celebrating
the sun, but now at the hostel, created a moment to accustom. When the majority
of the group had arrived, we started with the introduction in the circle
followed by the first exercise. In order to build a sustainable internal
community, the Oasis Game provides some increasingly useful and valuable
methods. For instance, instead of introducing ourselves by listing basic
information such as our ages, background and occupation, we took a piece of
paper to draw firstly the animal we associate ourselves with, secondly a place
where we recommend others to go, thirdly what personal quality we offer to the
group and lastly our names. Our task was to walk around and as the music
stopped to talk every time with a different person about our drawings and again
continue walking when the music sounded etc. This funny and light exercise
accompanied by music gave us the opportunity to meet each other in an informal
way without space for explicit prejudges. To my opinion, sharing personal
experiences, associations and talents laid the first base for respect and
appreciation. Next, the second exercise, we went outside to look for an
element, that represented our feeling of arrival - it could be anything. Back
in the circle, we created an atmosphere where everyone could openly share their
story behind the element. Later it turned out that the elements would stay with
us the entire week, as a symbol of the atmosphere we anchored in that first
exercise. Personally, I was very touched by everyone’s honesty. The result was
an immediate feeling of unity based on trust and commitment. Although at the
same time, I felt overwhelmed by everyone’s openness and to be part of such a
beautiful group. Moreover, it also re-assured me that the coming ten days would
contain the right ingredients to be life-changing for some, eye-opening for
others, and leaving an incredible impression on most of us. To close the
evening, food was served by three awesome cookers and time for relaxing
started. Not surprisingly, various language were spoken, not only English,
Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, but also the yet created more meaningful language
of respect and trust.
Tuesday 21st April (Margret)
We started after
breakfast out site to do an energizer. We had music and give a ball to each
other and copied the moves. For me it was an eye opener that the group is
silent very fast when one puts his had up. We had one person and the other one
took the person by hand and went around.
Derya took me by hand and ‘”showed” me the things in the area. It was an
experience that sharpened my hearings and feeling for textures. It helps not to
judge. It was a super experience for me. For the trust and the feeling to do
this together. The afternoon we searched in the village for beaties and
resources. It was also an experience to see what another one sees in the same
surrounding. I liked the colours and
mosaic. In the evening we danced and afterwards we went to Zarzelejo to search
for talent.
Wednesday 22nd April (Linda)
My life is all about
dreaming and making it happen. So this had to be the day! And therefor I really
enjoyed it. It is usually not something you talk about with strangers. But we
did. And the people were sharing their dreams. The wanted big things like world
peace and a new political system. And when we asked what they personally would
like, most of them were thinking about situations they didn’t want anymore. For
instance: no more unemployment. I realized that people who have a lot of
trouble (illness, unemployment, no money) are used to think like that. For them
it’s difficult to dream, because their whole live is a mess. But when we
started talking to them and asked about the things they are proud of, or the
activities they love, they started smiling and their eyes started sparkling. At
that moment they could see beauty again and they started dreaming. We got a lot
of dreams! At the dream night the square was full of exciting people and maybe
100 dreams or more!
For me personally it
was also a little bit frustrating. Because my live is all about making dreams
come true, I wanted to talk to the people to hear wat really matters to them.
But because of not speaking Spanish I wasn’t able to. And when I saw someone
his eyes sparkle and the one talking to him did not react to that, it was
really hard for me. I felt useless. I touched peoples hands and was smiling to
them, but it felt not enough. In the evening during the dream night I was
collecting dreams and made a lot of pictures from the smiling people. That made
feel part of the team and te process. A woman who spoke a little English told
me that she was so happy that we came to Zarzalejo. That made my day!
In the morning I was
really touched when Sandra (who lives in Zarzalejo) told dat a dream came true,
because so many people from all kind of groups came to the talent night and
they were talking to each other, children were playing together and everybody
was having a good time. I didn’t realize it was so important. I thought we only
organized a nice evening. It made me feel really grateful to be part of this
Thursday 23rd April (Julia or Isidro?)
Hoy es un dia de sueños, ilusión , de
esperanza. Esta energia se nota en el ambiente. Hay
ganas de soñar, de sacar ese niño que todos tenemos en nuestros interior. Y eso
se lo vamos contagiando a los zarzajeleños y zarzalejeñas; niños o mayores. Aunque todos
reaccionan con extrañeza cuando le
preguntamos por sus sueños, enseguida sale ese niño interior. En forma de
una gran sonrisa, en forma de ilusion. Y todo ello
cristaliza en los sueños que vamos
LLega la tarde, de Nuevo vamos contra reloj,
el caos se adueña del trabajo. Pero este caos es vencido por la creatividad, la
voluntad, la implicación, la ilusión y la alegría de todo este maravilloso
grupo y de los (véase el escrito original) que participan en la actividad. La
confusión deja paso a los sueños que toma forma de una maqueta que recoge toda
esa amalgama de sentimientos vividos por todos.
Para mi poder vivir todo este proceso ha sido
un gran sueño. Muchas gracias a todos. Besos y abrazos!!
Friday 24th April (Leo)
Frustrating Friday. I like to
be in control, or to at least create an illusion of control. My arrival in
Zarzalejo was the start of lessons in ‘letting go’. On Friday, 3 days into the
Oasis Game my newly acquired skills where put to test when the group activity
of the day was a little cooperative game in which I was given the role of one
of the blind people from Madrid, at risk of being flooded. I had to rely on my
neighbours to get me to a safe place.. Frustration! I felt the only thing I
could do was wait with my fellow blind for someone to show me the way out of
this place.
Back into the Oasis
Game. Task of the day is collecting resources from our new friends in the
village to build a zip-line. Not unlike my role in the game earlier that
morning once again I felt lost. No personal network, not being able to speak
the language sufficiently and a little bit demotivated by the experiences of
the days before. The fact that I was coupled to a local girl that didn’t share
those first two couldn’t keep me from slowly drowning in disbelief... this
dream was never going to be realised and certainly not by anything I was doing.
In this next
paragraph I could write about how my partners in the group collected basically
everything we needed start on building those dreams and how locals, like sent
from above, gave us tools, tractors and their promises of skills and time.
Instead I’d like to share what I gained from all that frustration. Because
during the day, amid the frustration, I felt gracious for this chance to
experience a bit of what the people I work for and work with have to go through
on a day to day basis. I felt grateful for the opportunity to put my new skills
of letting go into practise and look at my other qualities to help out the
group. And finally.. I appreciate that I never felt that my feeling of disqualification
was a problem. Today was not my day and that was fine. Because in a true
cooperation, and that was what we were doing, someone has your back and there
is a place for not having an active part in the process. There is always tomorrow.
Saturday 25th April (Mayelin)
Me levanté llena de ilusión y de muchas
dudas, vendrá la gente? Conseguiremos
los materiales? Podremos construir lo que habíamos hablado? Tantas cosas
pasaban por mi cabeza y me dividían entre 2 caminos uno lleno de alegría,
esperanza y fe. Y el otro lleno de miedo a que las cosas no salieran como las
había planeado. Baje a desayunar y al verlos a todos tan felices y animados mis
miedos empezaron de desaparecer y para cuando nos fuimos al lugar estaba segura
de que vendría mucha gente a ayudarnos, porque no tendría que ser así? Efectivamente la gente empezó a llegar con
sus sonrisas y toda su alegría, así empezó nuestro primer día de acción.
Todos estábamos concentrados en distintas
tareas pero al mismo tiempo era como si fuéramos piezas del mismo reloj
trabajando al unísono por el mismo fin. Sin darnos cuenta nos habíamos
convertido en parte del pueblo, ya no éramos un grupo de chicos de fuera que venían
a vendernos sueños ahora todos éramos Zarzalejo, un Zarzalejo que sueña, un
Zarzalejo que cree. El momento más especial de todo el día fue ver que los
musulmanes también eran parte de esto, verlos trabajar y reír con el pueblo fue
para mí el mayor regalo, me sentí parte de un gran cambio e imagino que ellos también
lo sintieron. Nunca olvidare nuestro
primer día de acción ni los que vinieron después porque ellos cambiaron mi
vida, les agradezco todo este tiempo juntos y espero algún día volverlos a ver
los quiero un montón!.
Celebrating song: Este un sueño
Preguntas si me siento un Oasis Game
Estado pensando, que hago con esto?
En un
hostele, en un pueblo
Donde na di
nos oye, nadi conoset
No hablo
Astaba aqui,
solo malas hierbas
Y los sueños
en papel, tanto que hacer aquí
Un oasis aqui, que se construir
Qi este lugar tiene todo, todo espera
D’un sueño
Este un sueño, que le momento solo sede en pelis
Este un sueño, que comenzó en mi corazón
Este un sueño in lugar preciosa, pense nunca lo vería
Pero hoy
experimento en Zarzalejo
Het is een droom
Je vraagt of
ik zin heb in een Oasis Game
‘K heb
nagedacht, wat moet ik hiermee?
In een
hostel, in een dorp
Waar niemand
ons hoort
Nog niemand
ons kent
spreek ik geen woord
Op de plek,
was alleen nog maar groen
En dromen op
papier, nog zoveel te doen
Een oase
hier, die is nu gebouwd
En deze plek
heeft alles, wat ik van een droom verwacht
Het is een
droom, die je normaal alleen in films ziet
Het is een
droom, die is begonnen in een mooi gebied
Het is een
droom waarvan ik dacht, dat ik ‘m nooit beleven zou
Maar vandaag
beleef ik ‘m in Zarzalejo
Sunday 26th
April (Lou)
Aquella Tarde,
No se había parado de llover,
Apenas entre
dos rayos de sol.
Apenas permitiendo esperar que se podía ir mejorando el tiempo.
!Pero somos
así! Somos de los que quieren ver el cielo azul detrás de las nubes.
Los que no solamente esperan sino unen sus fuerzas y energías para que
Mientras la
humedad de la tierra y de las piedras,
Nunca olvidare’ esos Hombres.
Esa diversidad de seres que compartieron sus genios,
Sus saberes y sus voluntades, aguantando el peso de la roca,
Desplaciendo la madera por transportar una mesa,
Un futuro
hogar de comparto y de risa.
No olvidare’ esos escalofríos fluyendo sobre mi piel,
Esas caras
de serio y de miedo.
Los aplausos después el milagro.
Las miradas entre todos esos humanos,
Que nunca olvidaron,
¡Aquella tarde!
Sunday 2
After the first Action day we all start to believe in miracles. In one
day we collected much more material and resources than we expected. Everybody
in the community was finding their gift to share for a common dream..
We woke up and we didn’t know about the day and it surprised. There was
many cloud and It start to rain. we put more clothes and put our mission jacket
top on it. I was the ‘material and resources’ My mission was the find the
material or an amazing people that can find the material to build our(their)
dreams. After the first miracle day I believe to people’s power. If we need to
find an elephant It doesn’t matter we will figure out and we will do everything
forget it! Sometimes I was taking serious the game.. But It really matched me a
lot. My life is a game while traveling with my camping or even in the cities. I
love the feel like in a desert. I always with my map and trying to survived.
Before I came to Oasis I was playing this game in every moment.
-back to story- We start to believe our power and people’s power!!
That’s why we didn’t care if it’s raining or not. Because we promise people to
Finnish it in 2 days. In the morning rain it was not a bid deal for us many
people get together against to rain. I was collecting resources when I came to
the place there was a market for aircraftman and artist for the village. It was
really great to see meet. They did against to rain! And I recognize Ivan’s
father Victor. He got inspired he took his painting from the sacred place in
this supermarket. His eyes was shining. A lot of emotion I saw in his eyes.
Finally community care their talent! With this game many hidden talents was
getting appear. I walk through the community garden and many people got together. We had many area uncompleted. The big table was waiting for put on to the feet. The idea was wait for a machine who came to help to fix the table. But what happened was machine that we expected was transformed to the human power! Everybody use their power/ It was more beautiful to see that. Everybody was important. Everybody get together their power! In the begging it looks impossible. But we did it! they did it! Under the rain against to many things that make it impossible to work. Rain was getting more frustrated/ People’s power getting even more.. We were cold wet and powerful!! in that moment i feel more close to everyone and to our purpose.
It was more than a game.. Now we are leaving this amazing place with dirty clothes\ shoes and with many stories/ We are leaving but taking many feeling moments and friends. I am grateful and full of love..
I am inspired: to make my dreams happened that is continue to inspire
people for their dreams
See you guys in next game ;)
Monday 27th April (Rana)
It’s Monday morning, we expected to arrive to the site and find no one
else, but as usual, there are surprises; some “zarzalejians” had already rolled
up their sleeves and started the work.
We joined the team, the rhythm this morning was hectic, for we had to
put our final touch today, and we had to try finishing before the visit of the
mayor at 13.30.
Kids and teenagers started arriving gradually after going out from
school, and as soon as they arrived they joined the open tasks, painting,
putting the last signs in their places, gathering the non-used material in one
corner, moving the compost, and sticking the last nails to make sure everything
is safe and stable.
The visit of the mayor brought some sad surprises, basing on the
complaints of some neighbors, the mayor and his colleague were pointing out
what they saw as irregularities. Some of us where disappointed by the lack of
interest shown in what has been done, and there were interesting conversation
about the different power dynamics in different contexts.
What was heart-warming is that while few neighbours had complained about
the space, a petition was circulating and was being signed by a big number of neighbours,
highlighting the work that was behind the creation of this public space, and
thanking all those who participated in this process.
Around 15.30 we finished putting the last touches, celebrated once again
the achievement of the miracle, and headed to lunch.
The next activity programmed was an informative session about the
ongoing community projects in Zarzalejo.
First Javi told us about the project of Transition town Zarzalejo, and
specifically about the Community Supported Agriculture project, in which 26
family units in Zarzalejo participate and receive their ecological vegetables.
Then we had a nice walk to the house of the Creasvi foundation. There Loli
showed us the amazing bioclimatic house, designed by Tomás back in the 80s. Later
on she explained the format that they found to make use of this house for the
common good: the house is now property of the foundation, and it hosts Andrea
and Sandra, who are willing to work 40 hours a month in community projects in
exchange for living in this house. Later on Andrea and Sandra explained the
projects they are carrying out in zarzalejo in the framework of Creasvi,
projects that cover the past, present and future of the village.
It was yet another inspiring day, the stories and experiences that we
heard and lived this day left many of us thinking.
Tuesday 28th April (Else)
The day of the re-evolution. We started with an
individual looking back exercise. Taking time to evaluate in your head and
heart was a good start after the rollercoaster of the last few days. We went
outside in little groups to do an ORID, with questions to give your opinion
about the Oasis Game experiences. It was wonderful to hear the experiences of
my group members. In bigger lines, we all have the same experience but during
the ORID I realized that the small talks and moments we had with each other and
the people from Zarzalejo makes this trip worthwhile and wonderful. The evening
re-evolution with the participants from Zarzalejo confirmed that we did
something great in community building. The people have lots of ideas and plans
for the future. They are excited about using the oven, playground, theatre and
garden. I really hope they will succeed and make the village a great community.