domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Broaden Impact!

The program Rural Youth and Community Building was a huge boost of energy for the village of Zarzalejo's community and had a very positive impact in its participants: the players of the Oasis Game. 15 Dutch and 20 living in Spain active youth and youth workers connected to rural areas, got together for ten days in a small village at the mountains of Madrid to play a game for social change. Embracing diversity was a key factor throughout the ten day program and big learning outcome for all stakeholders involved: participants, organisations and community.
You can find a reflection upon this diversity, written by Marta from one of our partners organizations' blog (in Spanish) GSA Madrid.

Thanks to Jeske from Elos Netherlands we have this amazing memory of What happened.

Some declarations of the local organization Fundación Creasvi:  "Ilusión, unidad, esfuerzo, sorpresas y mucha energía y trabajo colectivo son algunas de las experiencias que vivimos estos intensos días en Zarzalejo! Gracias a tod@s las personas, organizaciones y colectivos que han hecho posible vivir este sueño! :)" (Hope, unity, surprises, loads of energy and collective work, where some of the experiences that we lived during these intense days at Zarzalejo! Thanks to all the people, organizations and groups who had made possible to live this dream! :) )

What else happened!

Read the post of what happend in Spanish by the local team at Zarzalejo: know more at the Oasis Zarzalejo Blog.
Storytelling day by day in the eyes of Rural Youth and community Building Participants: read here.
Like the Facebook page of Oasis Zarzalejo
Some participants shared their stories, insights, inspirations and impact in their lifes at their blogs:

Sjanine y Tim (Dutch):
Linda (Dutch):
Camila (spanish):
Derya (English):

martes, 7 de abril de 2015


¡Qué no te lo cuenten!
Una formación para promover el Emprendimiento Social Rural.
Del 20 al 29 de Abril vente al campo y únete a 35 jóvenes de zonas rurales de Holanda y el Estado español para promover la transformación del espacio rural.

¿Quieres Participar? Escríbenos a oasis.zarzalejo@gmail.ocm

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

A program for rural youth wanting to Lead Social Change. Zarzalejo, Spain. April 20th to April 29th.

Does global reality makes you feel umconfortable?
Are cooperation, social equality, bottom-up democracy, ecology, solidarity economy, common concepts in your vocabulary?
Do you have a clear vision of how the world that we all dream of looks like?
Are you actively supporting change?
Do you want to take part on searching and learning collaborative solutions to deal with the global challenges we're dealing today?
Do you like to learn, interact, live and put your hands-on towards mobilizing communities and promoting grassroot initiaves to support local sustainable development?
Do you want to develop social entrepeneurial projects to build community and create social and environmental positive impact in your own community?
Do you want to take part of an exchange with other young social entrepreneurs from Spain and Holland?
Are you ready to play, dance and have fun?

If you had nodded to every question: this is your program. :)
A ten-day leadership training for young social entrepreneurs from rural areas, wanting to create positive social and environmental impact, and enjoy the process!

Plattelandsjöngeren and Elosnederland with the spanish social organizations GSA Madrid and Fundación Creasvi and the support of Erasmus+, came together to host this project at the rural setting of Zarzalejo, Madrid. Spain, to offer a lerning experience and social environmental action in the community.

Find more information about the experience and how to take part in this blog.

Oasis Game - El Juego del Oasis

---- (texto alternado en español e inglés) ---

The Oasis Game aims to realize the dream of a community by bringing inhabitants together to co-dream, co-design and co-create that dream with their own hands, resources and hearts. The process involves a lot of interactive playful tools to make it attractive for everybody to join hands in creating a better world together, starting in their own community, starting now.

El Oasis tiene el objetivo de realizar el sueño de una comunidad; uniendo vecinos y vecinas para que juntas sueñen, diseñen y construyan ese sueño con sus propias manos, movilizando talentos y recursos locales. El proceso incorpora diversas herramientas interactivas y divertidas, resultando una actividad atractiva para que todas las personas unan esfuerzos en crear un mejor mundo juntos/as, comenzando por su propia comunidad, comenzando ahora.
Want to know about some experiences. In the last 5 years the Oasis Game has had several impacting results in many communities, countries around the world, more than 250 in 30 different countries. Check this Oasis Game promoted by Elos Nederland, Instituto Elos and GSAMadrid an Oasis in the Neighborhood of Newham sponsord by Lush.

Quieres conocer más experiencias? En los últimos 5 años el Oasis se ha tenido diversos resultados impactantes en muchas comunidades, en diversos países del mundo, más de 250 veces en 30 países diferentes. La experiencia Oasis en el barrio de Newham, Londres, llevada a cabo por Elos Nederland, Instituto Elos de Brasil y GSA Madrid.
Or this other experience in the city of Madrid, in the community of El Ruedo, an experienced promoted by GSA Madrid.
Experiencia en Madrid en el barrio de el Ruedo, promovida por el equipo de GSA Madrid en 2011.

The Oasis Game is a methodology based on the seven disciplines of the Elos Philosophy, want to know more? Rodrigo Rubido from the Intituto Elos de Brasil describes them in the following video.

El Juego del Oasis es una metodología basada en las siete disciplinas de la Filosofía Elos, quieres saber más? Rodrigo Rubido del Intituto Elos las describe en el siguiente video.