viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

A program for rural youth wanting to Lead Social Change. Zarzalejo, Spain. April 20th to April 29th.

Does global reality makes you feel umconfortable?
Are cooperation, social equality, bottom-up democracy, ecology, solidarity economy, common concepts in your vocabulary?
Do you have a clear vision of how the world that we all dream of looks like?
Are you actively supporting change?
Do you want to take part on searching and learning collaborative solutions to deal with the global challenges we're dealing today?
Do you like to learn, interact, live and put your hands-on towards mobilizing communities and promoting grassroot initiaves to support local sustainable development?
Do you want to develop social entrepeneurial projects to build community and create social and environmental positive impact in your own community?
Do you want to take part of an exchange with other young social entrepreneurs from Spain and Holland?
Are you ready to play, dance and have fun?

If you had nodded to every question: this is your program. :)
A ten-day leadership training for young social entrepreneurs from rural areas, wanting to create positive social and environmental impact, and enjoy the process!

Plattelandsjöngeren and Elosnederland with the spanish social organizations GSA Madrid and Fundación Creasvi and the support of Erasmus+, came together to host this project at the rural setting of Zarzalejo, Madrid. Spain, to offer a lerning experience and social environmental action in the community.

Find more information about the experience and how to take part in this blog.