domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Broaden Impact!

The program Rural Youth and Community Building was a huge boost of energy for the village of Zarzalejo's community and had a very positive impact in its participants: the players of the Oasis Game. 15 Dutch and 20 living in Spain active youth and youth workers connected to rural areas, got together for ten days in a small village at the mountains of Madrid to play a game for social change. Embracing diversity was a key factor throughout the ten day program and big learning outcome for all stakeholders involved: participants, organisations and community.
You can find a reflection upon this diversity, written by Marta from one of our partners organizations' blog (in Spanish) GSA Madrid.

Thanks to Jeske from Elos Netherlands we have this amazing memory of What happened.

Some declarations of the local organization Fundación Creasvi:  "Ilusión, unidad, esfuerzo, sorpresas y mucha energía y trabajo colectivo son algunas de las experiencias que vivimos estos intensos días en Zarzalejo! Gracias a tod@s las personas, organizaciones y colectivos que han hecho posible vivir este sueño! :)" (Hope, unity, surprises, loads of energy and collective work, where some of the experiences that we lived during these intense days at Zarzalejo! Thanks to all the people, organizations and groups who had made possible to live this dream! :) )

What else happened!

Read the post of what happend in Spanish by the local team at Zarzalejo: know more at the Oasis Zarzalejo Blog.
Storytelling day by day in the eyes of Rural Youth and community Building Participants: read here.
Like the Facebook page of Oasis Zarzalejo
Some participants shared their stories, insights, inspirations and impact in their lifes at their blogs:

Sjanine y Tim (Dutch):
Linda (Dutch):
Camila (spanish):
Derya (English):